July 29, 1991
- Hulk Hogan appeared on the Arsenio Hall Show to talk about steroids and boy, was that ever a farce. Hogan claims to have only used steroids 3 times in his life and made claims about the timeline of his steroid use that don't check out (claiming he took them when he was champion in 1983 in order to help an arm injury that would have kept him out for a year otherwise. Hogan was never champion in 1983 and he didn't miss a single show in 83 or 84 due to injury, much less one that would have been serious enough to keep him out for a year). Overall, the general consensus is that Hogan went on the show and lied his ass off. And now, decades later, it's still widely regarded as one of Hogan's worst and most dishonest moments, which, given the source, is saying a lot.
- WATCH: Hulk Hogan's infamous appearance on the Arsenio Hall Show in 1991
- Is WWF serious about steroid testing? Dave says they have to be. This story will go away in a few weeks, but if somewhere down the line, another story breaks and shows that the problem is still as serious as it always was, even after Vince promised to clean up the company, it could be devastating. In the long-run, they will have to make serious changes. The company has been talking to independent drug testing organizations, which means they are at least serious enough about it that the testing won't be handled in-house, which is good. In the end, we won't know how serious WWF is about cleaning up the company until we see how the product changes. If they begin pushing the smaller, more talented guys, then you'll know they're serious. If the focus and pushes continue to go to big musclebound freaks, then you'll know they're not. They will have to educate the fans to accept a different type of wrestler than the freak superheroes they've conditioned fans to see as top stars.
- UWF ran a show in Florida. Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton walked out midway through the show despite still having matches scheduled for the TV taping. Also, Johnny Ace, Danny Spivey and Cactus Jack all no-showed the event and rumor is they are going to work for GWF.
- Hulk Hogan was pulled out of all WWF events this weekend and sent to Minneapolis to work with the Special Olympics. Clearly trying to rebuild his image. Recently "retired" Randy Savage filled in and faced Sgt. Slaughter at these shows. Hogan is also taking time off after Summerslam to film a movie.
- Mr. Perfect is still out of action with a back injury. He will work Summerslam, but is then expected to take a few months off afterwards (which is kind of a legendary story, up there with Shawn Michaels working WM14 with a crippling back injury. Perfect/Hart ended up stealing the show at Summerslam 91, despite the fact that Perfect was clearly in agony the entire time).
- The Mountie made his first appearance in Canada since the deal was struck with the RCMP. He appeared in shorts and t-shirt and was simply billed as Jacques Rougeau.
- Indie wrestler Ned Brady in Florida has been using the name Repo Man but he can no longer use it. Awhile back, one of Brady's friends called J.J. Dillon in WWF and told him about the Repo Man gimmick. WWF didn't end up using it, but they still trademarked the idea. So now Ned Brady can't use it (and for those keeping track, a few months later, they would end up using the gimmick, giving it to former Demolition Smash member Barry Darsow. Poor Ned Brady. WWF stole his idea, prevented him from using it, and gave it to someone else. Savage.)
- Jim Ross spent 6 hours in the emergency room with kidney stones recently.
- Still no word on whether WCW will initiate steroid testing, though there have been discussions with management.
- Jim Herd was interviewed on NBC's Sports Machine show and says no one was sadder than he was to see Ric Flair leave. Flair declined to be interviewed on advice from his lawyer, leading some to expect a lawsuit may be filed against WCW.
- Speaking of Jim Herd, in the Letters section of this week's issue (which I usually skip over because it's usually just fans writing in with opinions), almost 2 full pages are dedicated to multiple people writing in to rant about how Jim Herd is the worst and is running WCW into the ground. When it comes to fan opinions, 1991 WCW was kinda like 2016 TNA and Jim Herd was basically Dixie Carter.