February 17, 1992
- The Florida state legislature has voted down the bill that would have required steroid testing for pro wrestlers, among several other regulations. The bill lost 8-1. The general consensus is that it failed because "fake" pro wrestling was mostly deemed to not even be worthy of discussion by the legislators.
- WWF also hired a lobbyist who worked tirelessly and successfully to kill the bill. He spoke at the hearing and painted pro wrestling in the silliest terms possible, comparing it to a circus or a concert, where guys show up, put on their costumes, and perform a show with music and snakes and choreography. He admitted that WWF has been guilty of false advertising in the past, but stated that they are working to stop doing it. He also said that WWF doesn't allow wrestlers to blade, which is true most of the time, but still happens occasionally (Hogan at last year's Wrestlemania, for instance). Regarding steroids, WWF's hired lobbyist essentially parroted WWF's usual "We have begun testing for steroids and have had drug testing in place since 1987" and blah blah blah.
- Meanwhile, WCW Executive VP Kip Frey has announced that WCW will begin an anti-steroid policy within the next week. No word on what that exactly means, but part of it will involve WCW wrestlers filming anti-drug PSA videos that will air on WCW TV.
- Yet more 1991 year end award results:
- Former 70s-80s star and NWA champion Buzz Sawyer passed away this week. This is followed with the usual long Meltzer obituary and recap of Sawyer's life and career, which is always really good and worth the read, but not noteworthy here.
- In a major surprise, the Legion of Doom dropped the tag titles to Money Inc. (IRS & Ted Dibiase) at a house show. The plan all along had been for LOD to drop the titles to Money Inc. before Wrestlemania, but no one expected it to be so soon. Money Inc. hasn't even debuted as a team on television yet. LOD was promised that there would be no cameras present for the title switch, although WWF did tape it regardless. No word if it will ever air on TV (must not have, I can't find video of it). Rumors are swirling that LOD is headed back to WCW or to New Japan. It's been no secret that the team isn't making nearly as much money as they made several years ago when they worked for Crockett and the duo have also been among the most outspoken against WWF's new steroid policy.
- Saturday Night's Main Event (on FOX now, after they got dropped from NBC) is in the books, with the expected Sid Justice heel turn. The plan seems to be Sid attacking Hogan's best friend, the still-injured Brutus Beefcake, which will lead to Hogan pulling out of the match with Flair and challenging Sid to avenge his friend. It's basically the plot of No Holds Barred. On this show, they also aired highlights of the Royal Rumble, heavily edited (changed Hogan's boos to cheers, added a Hogan chant, added boos to everything Sid did when in reality, he was being cheered, etc.)
- In all fairness to WWF, most of the roster lately seems to have gotten noticeably smaller which means the steroid policy might very well be effective, at least for now.
- More details on the Marty Jannetty arrest. Marty and a 19 year old girl were trying to get into a Tampa night club. The girl used a fake ID and got caught. When police tried to arrest her, Jannetty got involved and "violently grabbed the officer." Jannetty was arrested and they found cocaine in his possession.
- The Los Angeles Times (one of the country's largest newspapers) and the San Diego Union newspaper are both interviewing Billy Graham for steroid stories they're working on.
- In All Japan, Giant Baba held a press conference to announce the signing of Jun Akiyama, an amateur wrestling champion. Word is they have high hopes for him. And sure enough, he turned out to be a huge star, with a bazillion titles and 5-star matches throughout his career.
- Dr. Zahorian began serving his 3 year prison sentence on Jan. 31st.
- Ultimate Warrior, in full paint and gimmick, is doing a TV commercial for Slim Jims despite no longer being with the WWF.
- The plan for Lex Luger is for him to debut at the 1992 WBF Championships and then start wrestling for WWF after that when his WCW contract expires.
- Rumors are swirling that Hogan plans to legitimately retire after WM8, but Dave doesn't buy it for a second. Tentative plan is for Hogan vs. Flair to headline Summerslam but things can always change.
- Lots of contract news in WCW. Missy Hyatt has signed a new 2 year contract. Jesse Ventura is still in negotiations but will probably sign soon. Nikita Koloff signed a deal to come in as well. Greg Valentine, Dick Slater, and Scott Norton are all expected to be signing deals with the company soon as well. Terry Gordy and Steve Williams have been talking to WCW, but as of yet, no deal has been reached. And finally, WCW really wants to sign Big Van Vader to an exclusive contract, and have him give up his Japanese commitments and work for WCW full-time so they can push him as a top heel. But Vader has a sweet Japan deal (about $200,000 per year for only 12 weeks of work) so WCW would have to really open the checkbook if they want to pull him away from Japan.
- Madusa had a hernia operation and will be out for a few weeks.
- On a radio show recently, somehow the town of Fall River, MA was brought up in conversation and Jesse Ventura said it was one of the only places he's ever been to that was worse than Vietnam. The mayor of Fall River, MA got wind of this and was not pleased. Classic Jesse.