June 15, 1992
- The Summerslam lineup is set and one of the big matches is Bret vs. Bulldog for the IC title. Given Bulldog's popularity in Europe, it's a pretty good bet that there will be a title change in that match. Meanwhile, neither Hogan or Flair will be wrestling on the show, although Flair will be appearing in some form. Hogan isn't expected back until early 93. It'll be the first time WWF has had a PPV without Hogan headlining and the buyrate is expected to be the lowest of any major WWF show ever.
- The WBF Championship takes place this weekend. WWF has been promoting it to death on TV but despite claiming that the show has been "sold out for some time", there are actually still plenty of tickets available for the building that only holds 2,700 people. And approx. 2/3 of the tickets that have been spoken for were freebies. Less than 1000 were actually sold. Expect a wrestling angle with "guest poser" Lex Luger to take place at some point during the show.
- A correction on one of the new Bill Watts rules from last week. Blading will still be allowed and, in fact, encouraged if Watts feels it's necessary to help get the product over. However he can't force anyone to do it due to legal reasons because of the higher-ups being afraid of a lawsuit by a wrestler unwilling to cut themselves and taking the company to court if they either lost their spot or their job over it.
- Watts is also discouraging wrestlers from doing chops to the chest and to use punches instead, which some guys aren't happy about. Also, some aren't happy about the protective mats being removed from ringside. However, hands down, the most controversial rule change is the top-rope rule, which meany in the locker room are livid about since it takes away some of the most popular moves from many of the company's biggest stars. Dave expects that rule to fall by the wayside eventually because it's so universally hated.
- Superstar Billy Graham had a 3rd hip surgery last week because the artificial hip from the previous surgery was dislocating. He is expected to spend much of the rest of 1992 in a brace.
- AAA in Mexico has signed a talent exchange deal with Japan's FMW and they are talking about running shows in Los Angeles starting next month.
- We're at the 6-month mark of 1992 so Dave decides now is as good a time as any to list his personal best ofs for the year so far. These are just his opinions for the first half of the year, nothing official:
- Dave mentions that FMW star Sabu is one of the most underrated wrestlers working today.
- In USWA, there has been talk of former GWF founder Joe Pedicino and former GWF announcer Boni Blackstone appearing on Memphis television as a part of the Global angle. Meanwhile, I guess GWF is too busy trying to keep the promotion from dying to, like, sue USWA or something.
- Jim Ross was hired as the new color commentator for the Atlanta Falcons radio for the upcoming NFL season.
- Dave awards the full ***** to an AJPW match of Can-Am Express vs. Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi.
- WATCH: Can-Am Express vs. Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi
- Then he turns around and gives another, increasingly less rare, *****-rating to an AJPW 6-man match between Jumbo Tsuruta, Akira Taue, and Masanobu Fuchi vs. Mitsuharu Misawa, Toshiaki Kawada, and Kenta Kboashi. Turns out those 6 guys have had multiple matches against each other throughout the early 90s and several of them are on YouTube. But I don't know which one is the 1992 match so just go google and watch all of them I guess.
- Abdullah The Butcher was at a WCW taping and managed to get a job and lose it the same night. Abdullah was brought in to put over Dustin Rhodes clean. He made a fuss about it and quit on the spot instead. David Crockett has also officially quit the company after being sent home a few months back.
- Almost all discussion of Jake Roberts coming in to WCW seems to have evaporated and he's not scheduled for any house shows that have been booked through the end of Janurary (Jake's WCW deal is actually a pretty famous story. Not sure if Dave will end up covering it or not, but just in case: Jake had agreed to a deal with WCW to come in with a huge 6-figure contract. So he quit WWF at Wrestlemania 8. But he had to wait 90 days after his contract was terminated before he could sign with WCW. On the 87th day of that 90 days, WCW hired Bill Watts. Jake and Watts had legit heat from years prior. Anyway, Watts slashed the contract down to even less than what Jake was making in WWF (some rumors say Watts even ripped up the original contract right in front of Jake before lowballing him). But he had already burned his bridge in WWF by holding Vince up for more money at WM8, so he had no choice but to take it. He's later said that cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars.)
- WWF is negotiating with Bob Backlund, "believe it or not," Dave says.
- Sid Justice is telling people he quit because WWF booked Warrior to kick out of his powerbomb finisher and he wasn't having that shit. Word is he was planning to put in his notice and leave by July anyway, because softball season.
- Ric Flair missed all the television tapings last week because one of his daughters had a piano recital (Charlotte!) and his other daughter graduated high school.
- Big Boss Man is still selling the injuries from the Nailz attack and likely won't be back until Summerslam.
- They are shooting vignettes for Scott Hall's new character "Razor Ramone" in Florida this week (Boy are they ever. These are too good not to watch them all).
- WATCH: Razor Ramon vignette 1
- WATCH: Razor Ramon vignette 2
- WATCH: Razor Ramon vignette 3
- WATCH: Razor Ramon vignette 4
- WATCH: Razor Ramon vignette 5
- WATCH: Razor Ramon vignette 6
- The 3 guys who attacked the Nasty Boys back in Janurary were found guilty of several assault charges and will be sentenced later this month. Brian Knobbs testified that he was stabbed in the chest and that Jerry Sags was hit in the face with jumper cables.